Three acts of self-care for Pathfinders and Rangers

A sample blog post from a girls empowerment organization.

1.Write a Letter to Yourself
It’s common practice to tell family members they are loved, send a kind text to a friend, and shower pets with affection, but it’s rare to show that same affection to ourselves.

Writing a letter to yourself is one way to practice self-care and can serve as a reminder of your worth when you’re feeling down. It’s easy for negative thoughts to skew your sense of self and impact your self-esteem. A letter to yourself can serve as a useful physical reminder of your worth when your brain is refusing to see it clearly.

In her letter, Ranger Kate writes:

“Dear Kate,

It may feel hopeless, like there’s no way out. But you’re a smart one. Use your creativity to find a solution. Take a walk outside, have a drink, you’ll be ok.


2. Operation Beautiful
Sometimes, the easiest way to improve your own is to help someone else. This activity does just that. Using a sticky note write down kind messages for family members and hide them around your home.

One of Pathfinder Kendra’s notes says:

“You’re meant to be just the way you are”

3. Walk in Nature
Studies show that taking walks outside can significantly boost your mood. Debbie, the Co-Provincial Commissioner in Nova Scotia, says walking every evening helps her “reflect and quiet [her] mind.”

Intentionally spending time outside, by yourself or with others, especially in the age of COVID where staying inside has become the norm, is a rejuvenating act of self-care.